And yes, I will admit, there were a couple words I had to google to make them fit what I was trying to accomplish (like xenomorphic xesturgy!).
So - here are definitions to some of the most troublesome words contained within the poem:
- Erudite : adjective - characterized by great knowledge
- Obsequiously : adjective - characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning
- Obstreperous : adjective - resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner; unruly
- Pedantic : adjective - ostentatious in one's learning
- Quixotically : adjective - resembling or befitting Don Quixote; impractical
- Surreptitiously : adjective - obtained, done, made, etc. by stealth, secret or unauthorized; clandestine
- Umbrose : adjective (obsolete word) - shady; umbrageous
- Undulance : adjective - wavelike in motion or pattern
- Viscosity : noun - the state or quality of being viscous (sticky, thick, adhesive)
- Xenomorphic : adjective - in an unusual form; having a strange form
- Xesturgy : noun - polishing, as with stones
- Zenith : noun - a highest point or state; culmination
Here is a reprint of the poem:
Jarring justice judiciously
Keeping Karma kindling
Loving language lasciviously.
Marrying marvels meticulously
Noting novel nobility.
Obsequiously obstreperous
Peddling pedantic pompousness.
Quixotically querying quackery
Resonates ridiculously restfully.
Succeeding surreptitiously
To tangle tawdry tapestry
Unwittingly umbrose undulance
Voracious verbal viscosity
Yearning youngsters yodeling
Zealot zooms ZENITH!
Call of Cacophony
Alliteration allures always
Beckoning beseechingly
Cunningly calling continuously
Demanding dedication -
Beckoning beseechingly
Cunningly calling continuously
Demanding dedication -
Echoing endless erudite.
Forming frenzied feeding
Gobbling gobsmack greedily,
Honing hodgepodge hungrily.
Gobbling gobsmack greedily,
Honing hodgepodge hungrily.
Illustrating infinite iniquity.
Jarring justice judiciously
Keeping Karma kindling
Loving language lasciviously.
Marrying marvels meticulously
Noting novel nobility.
Obsequiously obstreperous
Peddling pedantic pompousness.
Quixotically querying quackery
Resonates ridiculously restfully.
Succeeding surreptitiously
To tangle tawdry tapestry
Unwittingly umbrose undulance
Voracious verbal viscosity
Wearyingly wild wordsmithery
Xenomorphic xesturgy
Xenomorphic xesturgy
Yearning youngsters yodeling
Zealot zooms ZENITH!
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