My stories feel like a green banana
Waiting in the shipyards
For spider spray
And ripening.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
On why I don't write
Sunday, June 14, 2015
The Answer
The answer came crashing down around me
In the shower
As my 20 year younger self stood there,
And I wrapped my arms around her in love.
The answer came crashing down around me
As I saw her helplessly cave to his coercion
Ceding her power for approval
Trading her strength for fear
Dashing her dreams for domesticity
And I wrapped my arms around her in love.
I sobbed and I sobbed and I sobbed
As all of us do watching innocence injured
My arms held her tighter, my embrace loved her harder
And somewhere inside...
The healing got started.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Chapter 3
Thursday, May 7, 2015
And yes, I will admit, there were a couple words I had to google to make them fit what I was trying to accomplish (like xenomorphic xesturgy!).
So - here are definitions to some of the most troublesome words contained within the poem:
- Erudite : adjective - characterized by great knowledge
- Obsequiously : adjective - characterized by or showing servile complaisance or deference; fawning
- Obstreperous : adjective - resisting control or restraint in a difficult manner; unruly
- Pedantic : adjective - ostentatious in one's learning
- Quixotically : adjective - resembling or befitting Don Quixote; impractical
- Surreptitiously : adjective - obtained, done, made, etc. by stealth, secret or unauthorized; clandestine
- Umbrose : adjective (obsolete word) - shady; umbrageous
- Undulance : adjective - wavelike in motion or pattern
- Viscosity : noun - the state or quality of being viscous (sticky, thick, adhesive)
- Xenomorphic : adjective - in an unusual form; having a strange form
- Xesturgy : noun - polishing, as with stones
- Zenith : noun - a highest point or state; culmination
Beckoning beseechingly
Cunningly calling continuously
Demanding dedication -
Gobbling gobsmack greedily,
Honing hodgepodge hungrily.
Jarring justice judiciously
Keeping Karma kindling
Loving language lasciviously.
Marrying marvels meticulously
Noting novel nobility.
Obsequiously obstreperous
Peddling pedantic pompousness.
Quixotically querying quackery
Resonates ridiculously restfully.
Succeeding surreptitiously
To tangle tawdry tapestry
Unwittingly umbrose undulance
Voracious verbal viscosity
Xenomorphic xesturgy
Yearning youngsters yodeling
Zealot zooms ZENITH!
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Keepers of the Night - Chapter 2
Chapter 2:
Sunday, April 26, 2015
The Bells are Calling
The Bells are Calling
It's Sunday morning.
Love thy neighbor
Peace to all men.
The Bells are Tolling
Hungry man walking.
Spurn thy neighbor
Grief to all men.
The Bells are Calling
A world is in need.
Love thy neighbor
Peace to all men.
The Bells are Calling
The Bells are Calling
The Bells are Calling
Will you answer?
Friday, April 17, 2015
Tweetable Poetry
Tripwire glistens in the morning sun
Spider's snare for the unaware
Revealed by drops of dew.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Keepers of the Night - Chapter 1
This is Chapter 1. More is provided upon demand, so light up that comments section if you want to know what happens next! :)
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Play of Dreams
Oh! Such a play as this I've seen
Has yet to not annex my dream
Of a future waiting, lustrous and bright
Preparing itself for that one starry night
When all of the Fates of this world will gather
Weaving the strands of my life together
In an intricate pattern unique to the world
Unshrouded for all as it's slowly unfurled.
Today is my 39th birthday. The poem above was written by yours truly in high school, circa early 1990's. It was the first poem I ever wrote with true passion.
A year or two later, our school was fortunate enough to have a visit from the Poet Laureate of Illinois (Gwendolyn Brooks). She spoke to us and performed some of her work for the entire student body.
Prior to seeing and hearing her in person, the concept of poetry was a bit lost on me. I was improving in my form and structure, but aside from the poem above, I didn't really have much heart or passion in it. The art form had not yet come alive for me.
When Gwendolyn read her first poem, "We Real Cool," the words rose out of the book and took on a form of their own. Structure and rhyme dropped away to reveal a magical beauty of words. With each breath and elocution, the words danced before us, jangling like mischievous brownies or pixies.
With her low, powerful voice, she breathed these words to life:
We reeeeal cool. WE -
Left school. WE -
Lurk late. WE -
Strike straight. WE -
Sing sin. WE -
Thin gin. WE -
Jazz June. WE -
Die soon.
The emphases, the alliteration, the pauses - all of it took what had been flat words on a page and suddenly they were ALIVE! I had never seen or experienced poetry like this before.
Afterward, many of us lined up to talk with her and have her autograph our copies of her work. I didn't have any of her books, but I had my bag with me and the poem above was in it. So I pulled that out, and when it was my turn I apologized that I didn't have a copy of her books, but I'd be honored if she would sign one of my poems instead. She looked at me, looked at the paper, read the poem, looked at me again and said, "I want you to write to me." She then wrote, "To Karen, Keep on writing and reading EVERYTHING!" And signed it with her address.
A few years later, I heard recordings of Shel Silverstein performing "Where the Sidewalk Ends" and I was hooked. Here was the perfect playground for language, passion and sound, all in one place.
Listen to Gwendolyn Brooks here
(This recording is closest to the audio we heard that day. The person who posted the video is not a known relation of mine, even though we seem to share a last name.)
Listen to Shel Silverstein here
Monday, April 13, 2015
The Crazy Man
Shattering early morning stillness
Red alert - check for danger
Listen, don't move
One of us is hurting
Within the depths of my soul.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Here I am
The one who's always hidden
Under the bowed head
Below the lowered eyelashes
Behind the large frame glasses
Inside the cloak of cheerfulness
Beneath the jovial socialite.
The one who loved and needed Love
And found herself halfway.
For Love is not a circle gift
Given with required return.
Like grits, it just is.
It just comes.
If I love you so you love me
That's a transaction.
Love is a gift.
And so, today, without any expectation
I give you what I have hidden.
I give you what I have protected.
I give you what others have tried to hurt.
I open my heart
And give you Love.
Something #Meraki This Way Comes
This is a radical approach to writing. I'm cutting out the middlemen and bringing my art form directly to you. If you like it, share it. If it moves you, comment. If you love it, tell the world. If you hate it, do the same. No matter how you react - if it causes you to react, it has reached its goal - for art stirs passion within the soul.
Writer's Admonition
Poised in Perpetuity
Never writing
Put Pen to Paper.
Art Form
Each word is a painted brush stroke
Taking the picture in my mind
Where you harness hurt I help heal
I paint until I am finished
I write til the story is told.
Beckoning beseechingly
Cunningly calling continuously
Demanding dedication -
Gobbling gobsmack greedily,
Honing hodgepodge hungrily.
Jarring justice judiciously
Keeping Karma kindling
Loving language lasciviously.
Marrying marvels meticulously
Noting novel nobility.
Obsequiously obstreperous
Peddling pedantic pompousness.
Quixotically querying quackery
Resonates ridiculously restfully.
Succeeding surreptitiously
To tangle tawdry tapestry
Unwittingly umbrose undulance
Voracious verbal viscosity
Xenomorphic xesturgy
Yearning youngsters yodeling
Zealot zooms ZENITH!